Sovereign Magistral

Primary Leadership of the Templar Order:

Partial List of Public Leading Officials of the Order



T (100) Knights Templar Illuminated Letters

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon is a non-territorial (international) Principality of statehood in diplomatic relations, publicly represented by certain Leading Grand Officers and supporting Crown Officers, who serve as the general leadership team coordinating the institutional work of many other levels of Government Officials.  Only the most high-profile traditional positions are presented here, for public transparency of primary leadership.


Official heraldic coat of arms of the Government of the Templar Order as a non-territorial Principality and sovereign subject of international law

Official heraldic coat of arms of the Government of the Templar Order as a non-territorial Principality and sovereign subject of international law

Round Table Governance – Governance of the Grand Mastery is conducted through democratic voting by authentic Templar “Round Table” principles (Temple Rule, 34, 46), following the Templar “Open-Handed Leadership” model of “Support Not Control”. While Leaders hold traditional Titles of Office representing customary governmental “portfolios” of concentration, general responsibilities are shared collectively, there is no artificial hierarchy, and all Grand Officers are equal at the Templar Round Table. Accordingly:


By authentic Templar Round Table principles, it is not possible for any Templar Titles of Office to be arranged and listed in any particular order, as none have priority nor precedence over any others, such that any lists can only be presented with an arbitrary sequence of positions.




(See the Restored Authentic Round Table Titles with Constitutional Definitions)


Note:  Some Officers may hold additional royal, nobiliary or ecclesiastical titles, which may be of higher level than the present titles and forms of address used in the Order, and thus may use such titles separately as they deem appropriate.


Partial List:  This overview presents only a partial list of those Officers who currently have the most visible public functions.  All other officials are confirmed by formal credentials issued by the Templar Order, or by designation of their status on the official membership platform of the Order.



Prince Grand Master


Professor Matthew Bennett

J.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., J.S.D., J.C.D.

State Security Veteran, International Barrister,

Church Cardinal, and Archaeologist


Prince Matthew is officially a Professor of International Law, and Professor of Archaeology, both by holding “Professorship” Post-Doctorate degrees, and also as a tenured Professor of university faculties.  He is a veteran Chief of Special Operations and Advisor to Presidential Administrations, specialized in anti-organized crime and anti-corruption.  As a Barrister, he is King’s Counsel (K.C.) and Privy Councillor (P.C.) for an ancient Royal Alliance of kingdoms.  He is also life-long Career Clergy, and Cardinal of a canonical classical Church.


(Click for Professor Matthew Full Profile)



Grand Seneschal


Dame Alison McLean

B.A., M.P.A., M.Ed.

Public Administrator, Educator, Leadership Trainer


Dame Alison is a professional management executive for governmental projects and intergovernmental programs, with substantial experience managing financial services and legal services, as well as multinational brand marketing.  She effectively applies historical preservation projects to promote community business development, and has established and led several non-profit organizations specializing in leadership training.


(Click for Dame Alison Full Profile)



Grand Preceptor


Professor Gavin Davidson

M.Ed., Ph.D., Prof.D.

Bible Scholar, Educator, Geopolitics Expert


Professor Gavin is a career academic researcher and educator, specializing in applying Biblical scholarship and ancient history to restoring the pillars of civilization in the modern world.  He has substantial professional experience in geopolitics and diplomatic relations, specifically applied to economics and human rights.  He uses this expertise to develop powerful public policy strategies supporting humanitarian missions of intergovernmental institutions.


(Click for Professor Gavin Full Profile)



Grand Canon


Grand Regent from the Ancient Church

Pontiff Cardinal Khern S. Oliver

B.Th., D.Div., J.C.L.

Life-long Career Clergy in Classical Churches


Pontiff Khern has exclusively pursued a full career as canonical Clergy, mentored by five Vatican Bishops, through an Anglican Franciscan Order from 1212 AD leading the Independent Church Movement of 1145 AD and Old Catholic Movement of 1870 AD.  As Archbishop, he led and eventually consolidated 12 Churches and Church Orders.  As Cardinal, he was elected Pontiff of the restored 12th century Ancient Apostolic Church, representing the original 1st century denomination of Ancient Christianity.


(Click for Pontiff Khern Full Profile)



Grand Vizier


Grand Regent from the Royal Alliance

Sir Marius Johansen

B.S., M.A., LL.B.

Engineer, Constitutional Lawyer, Royal Advisor


Sir Marius has diverse engineering skills which he effectively applies to developing institutional infrastructure supporting intergovernmental humanitarian projects.  He is an accomplished legal scholar and jurist, specializing in constitutional law and human rights.  As a scholar of esoteric sacred knowledge, he became Royal Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) of an ancient Royal Alliance, thus holding a constitutional seat on the Grand Mastery.


(Click for Sir Marius Full Profile)



Grand Marshal


Sir Christian Sharpe


Business and Property Manager, Emergency Rescuer


Sir Christian is a professional management executive for businesses and real estate firms, managing employees and contractors, legal and financial projects.  He also has substantial experience in team leadership as a Mining Operator, involving extensive special training in emergency rescue and humanitarian disaster relief missions.  He effectively applies these combined skills as a project manager for intergovernmental humanitarian projects.


(Click for Sir Christian Full Profile)



All Officers of the Templar Government are vetted by international standards.  Any attempted defamation against any Officers is thus both false and illegal.


To learn how the Knights Templar and Christianity harshly condemned false defamation as an historical Evil Agenda, see the report:

Exposing the Evils of False Defamation”.


To learn to detect and counter the common deceptive methods of false defamation, see the intergovernmental report:  

Exposing Unlawful False Defamation


To learn how false defamation of a Foreign Official is an international crime punishable by imprisonment, see the intergovernmental report:

Defamation Against Officials as a Criminal Offense


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